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Vice President Margaritis Schinas on “Beyond the Obvious: Handle with Care | Culture for Social Well-being”


“Culture is part of it. It connects us to one another. Culture leaves nobody behind. It put us up even when we are unable to ask for help.”  – Vice-President of the European Commission Margaritis Schinas

On Friday 9 June, Culture Action Europe held the final day of Beyond the Obvious 2023 conference, “Beyond the Obvious: Handle with Care | Culture for Social Well-being” held in Eleusis 2023 European Capital of Culture (ECOC). The final day was dedicated to the closing event of the CultureForHealth” program. The final presentation included the results of the two-year-long policy development project, presenting the CultureForHealth Report, as well as six pilot projects

Vice-President of the European Commission Margaritis Schinas took the stage alongside CAE Secretary General Lars Ebert to deliver a keynote address focused on the importance of supporting cross-sectorial work between health and culture at the European level. Vice-President Schinas also referred to the European Commission’s recently adopted Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health, as well as the Commission’s launch of the European Mental Health Capacity-Building Initiative worth 11 million euros to support Member States in building capacity for an approach that promotes mental health across all policies. Watch the keynote address of Mr. Schinas below.  



After the speech CAE Secretary General Lars Ebert joined Mr. Schinas for a conversation in which they talked about the European policies of care, such as the recently adopted by European Commission Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health and the Commission’s launch of the 11 million euros European Mental Health Capacity-Building Initiative. Here you can rewatch the conversation.



Both recordings are also available on the CAE YouTube channel and the BtO website, thanks to our amazing videographers from LDSPRO | AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTIONS for their work. 



#Cultureandwellbeing #Culturalpolicies