CAE has prepared a draft position paper outlining our vision for the future of EU culture funding.
CAE has prepared a draft position paper outlining our vision for the future of EU culture funding.
Open Letter from 27 Culture Ministers to EU Commissioners: A Call to Preserve Creative Europe and Strengthen Cultural Cooperation.
Culture Action Europe, together with the Michael Culture Association, has prepared considerations regarding the implementation of the AI Act, developed through our Action Group on AI & Digital. This paper forms the basis of the feedback we are providing in the Code of Practice drafting process.
Culture Action Europe has organised a series of working meetings and consulted its wide-ranging cross-sectoral membership to draft a CAE position paper on the theme of “culture, health and well-being”
State of Culture is an outcome of a non-academic policy research initiative exploring how culture’s role and value are framed in national and European cultural policies. State of Culture also gathers insights from key stakeholders across the cultural and creative sectors on the major challenges and opportunities they face in the present world.
The Artistic Research Alliance is a unified collective advocating for the recognition and promotion of artistic research (AR) at both European and global levels. Embracing the full diversity of artistic research, the Alliance brings together academic institutions and independent researchers across disciplines such as architecture, design, film, photography, fine arts, media arts, music, performing arts, … Continued
Today Culture Action Europe convened a meeting of Networks. This main common concern of the Culture sector encourages us to present you with this statement. As members of Culture Action Europe, we would like to express our growing concern over the increasing political intervention by governments in the work of cultural organisations across Europe. We … Continued
The EU’s overshoot day serves as a stark reminder: if the global population emulated the consumption patterns of the EU, humanity would deplete the planet’s natural resources available for the year by May 3rd.