Circostrada releases the FRESH seminars edition 2017-2021

FRESH Seminars’ Collection Edition 2017-2021 has been released by Circostrada. An overview of contemporary circus and street art issues as well as stakes and dynamics from an international perspective is contained in this booklet, which is a compilation of years of publications. Titled “An overview of contemporary circus and street arts issues, stakes and dynamics from an international perspective” there are four publications dedicated to the FRESH Seminars.

FRESH is a strong political and cultural lever for connecting the fields of circus and street arts and advocating for them to obtain stronger legitimacy and recognition from cultural policies. The purpose of FRESH seminars and events is to provide visibility and promote a larger platform to those sectors on a national and international basis. In addition, FRESH events created a space for thinking and dialogue between creative professionals, researchers, journalists, students, and policymakers. Throughout the years, the seminars have shown a power shift that has contributed greatly to the support and promotion of the two art forms at the European level.

To pay tribute to four years of work by Circostrada, four seminars are included in this edition. Fresh circus #4: More than circus, Fresh street #3: Place and Identity, Fresh circus #5 Circus is everywhere, Fresh street #4: The space in between. Through the FRESH seminar series, the project produced several resources for circus and street arts between 2017-2021. Among the four seminars presented by Circostrada in this edition, readers can gain a comprehensive understanding of both sectors, as well as gain an understanding of their evolution and specificities.

To read the full booklet click here.



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