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New European Bauhaus | Consultation

Where: Online | Zoom. 
When: February 26, 2021 10:00 - 12:00

Join Culture Action Europe’s information and consultation session on the New European Bauhaus (NEB) on Friday 26th of February 10am-12pm (CET) online. The meeting aims at sharing information about this EU-led initiative and at collecting your input to contribute to the ongoing “co-design” phase of the project.

Xavier Troussard, Head of the New European Bauhaus Unit – Joint Research Centre at the European Commission  will present the initiative in details. 

MEP Niklas Nienass from the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance will share the views of the European Parliament on the New European Bauhaus initiative with the participants.

Registered Culture Action Europe members will have the opportunity to ask questions and directly engage with them on the topic.

The second part of the meeting will be internal and will collect members’ ideas and inputs to shape CAE’s contribution to the “co-design” phase of the NEB.

The meeting is open for CAE members only and the registration is required.
