Manchester meeting – UK’s EU referendum: A cultural response 2

December 14, 2015, 12:32 pm
January 22, 2016

Join Culture Action Europe and cultural players from throughout the UK for our
Second Meeting
The EU referendum: A cultural response

In Manchester, 22 January 2016
at HOME, 2 Tony Wilson Place
Room: Event Space
12:00 to 16:00

What situation are we facing?
How can we counter anti-EU narrative?
Whom should we be reaching out to?
What can we, as artists, cultural players, researchers DO?

The UK’s EU referendum is of key importance to the future of the European Union. It will demonstrate the continuing will of individual countries to support a democratic project of peace and collaboration.

When UK citizens vote in the upcoming referendum, they will carry the responsibility for the wellbeing of future generations, for their own children, but also for all the other European citizens who stand beside them in the European project. This voting decision should therefore not be taken lightly. Self-interested anti-European rhetoric, misinformation and the influence of temporary emotionally driven reactions must be countered by fact-driven information and especially by promoting hope and confidence.

Many initiatives exist, and these should be strengthened and collaboration sought with other sectors with similar perspectives (higher education, science, sports, social movements). It is the unique strength of culture and the arts to convey messages that can hardly be gripped in words alone – messages that speak of communities’ needs, hopes and common aspirations.

The UK and Europe are stronger together and drive positive change on a national, European and global level.

The European Union’s functioning can and should be criticized, as it is done throughout Europe: this is a fruitful process in all democratic structures. Change can and must be driven from within.

It is only by standing together that we can show the world, and the future generations, that unity is stronger and can overcome fear and reclusion, creating a European Union we can all be proud of.

For more information, please contact Katherine Heid pol-head(a)

The first meeting took place in London on 30 November 2015. More information here.

Image for: Manchester meeting – UK’s EU referendum: A cultural response 2