Lunchtime conversation | Israel-Palestine crisis

December 12, 2023, 2:31 pm
December 21, 2023

The Culture Action Europe (CAE) board and team have been discussing in depth the question of how to react to the current crisis of the Israel-Palestine conflict. CAE had issued a statement when Russia invaded Ukraine, but has been silent in light of other wars and humanitarian catastrophes since. The conflict in Israel-Palestine since October challenges this silence.

The internal discussion in the CAE board and team identified the need for a strategy for CAE, and possibly cultural networks more generally, to give guidance on actions to take when conflict strikes our communities, locally and globally. We therefore invite all CAE members that are interested or equally troubled to a conversation in a safe online space to exchange on the matter.

This online session will be facilitated by Niels Righolt, director CKI and CAE board member.

Conversation is only open for CAE members upon registration.



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