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The MEMEX Project has published its 3rd policy brief

The European research and innovation project MEMEX poses the question of what role technology can play in the inclusion of communities at risk of socio-cultural exclusion. The 3-year project demonstrated that technological innovation is extremely useful when at the service of inclusion.  

By introducing advanced technologies to communities at risk of exclusion, through a structured framework based on cooperation between technology and culture that stimulates co-creation with the concerned communities, MEMEX initiated a pioneer reflection on the role of technology in inclusion.

Indeed, for technological innovation to make sense for inclusion, it must be accompanied by measures and know-how from both tech and socio-cultural professionals in its design and use, as well as by awareness-raising and specific support and evaluation from policymakers. 

This policy brief presents a series of recommendations aimed at fostering both the replicability of MEMEX and at paving the way to other inclusion initiatives. Based on three years of community inclusion activities with technology, it contains policy and professional recommendations on the use of higher technologies in inclusion projects/ initiatives.



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