CAE shares our own insights from the Cultural Deal for Europe Policy Conversation 2025
CAE shares our own insights from the Cultural Deal for Europe Policy Conversation 2025
As the EU begins preparing its next long-term budget for 2028-2034, Culture Action Europe advocates for allocating 2% of the next MFF to culture.
CAE has prepared a draft position paper outlining our vision for the future of EU culture funding.
Open Letter from 27 Culture Ministers to EU Commissioners: A Call to Preserve Creative Europe and Strengthen Cultural Cooperation.
Culture Action Europe is pleased to announce and invite you to its Cultural Deal for Europe campaign’s annual policy conversation, “Culture: the Compass for Europe’s Future.”
Reflect with us on what the recent changes reveal about the idea of cultural policy and what they imply for the future of governance in the cultural sector in 2025.
Add your name as one of the artists, curators, and cultural workers from across the globe who stand in solidarity with the people of Georgia and their artists.
Ahead of the recent G20 Leaders’ Summit, the Culture Working Group developed a declaration that calls for action based on four pillars.