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The ‘Culture in Sustainable Cities. Learning with Culture 21 Actions’ programme aims to provide opportunities for cities to participate in a learning process, to evaluate, design and implement cultural policies contributing to local sustainable development.

The objectives of the programme are :
  • To foster increased local and European understanding of the connection between culture and local sustainable development in the participating cities, on the basis of the issues raised by the Agenda 21 for culture and Culture 21 Actions, as well as other issues relevant to the European and local agendas.
  • To enable the design, implementation and evaluation of innovative pilot measures in areas relevant to culture and sustainable cities, through collaboration between public, private and civil society actors.
  • To facilitate exchanges, evaluation, peer-learning and capacity-building among European cities concerned with culture and sustainable development, on the basis of the thematic areas identified in Culture 21 Actions.
  • To provide wide visibility to the participating cities and their policies and programmes in the European and global discussions on the role of culture in sustainable development.
  • To contribute to the advocacy for the explicit consideration of cultural factors in the paradigm of sustainable cities in Europe and beyond.

Find more about the Pilot Cities here

