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Culture for Ukraine and other news for CAE members

Exactly one month on an unjustified and unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine continues. We are all shocked and, as European cultural agents, stand ready to support the affected people of Ukraine and Ukraine’s cultural and creative sectors. 

The European Union has answered with unprecedented unity, not only sanctioning the regime in Moscow but also activating for the first time the 20-year old temporary protection directive, which foresees harmonised rights for the people fleeing the war in Ukraine and coming to an EU Member State. Among other things, it grants a residence permit for the entire duration of the protection (which can last from 1 year to 3 years), access to employment, housing, social welfare, healthcare, education. The European Commission has gathered general relevant information for people coming from Ukraine in a dedicated webpage (also available in Ukrainian). EU leaders are meeting in Brussels for a meeting of the European Council dedicated to the coordinated response to the war.

The cultural and creative sectors have been very active in creating opportunities for the many artists and cultural players leaving Ukraine, strengthening the bonds established in the past years. Artists at Risk compiled a very detailed list. Culture Action Europe has created an online resource tool #CultureForUkraine gathering relevant initiatives from our members and partners. The resource page is updated regularly, we invite you to add to it, and share widely. In addition, Culture Action Europe has joined forces with the Creatives Unite platform, the resource platform set-up as a response to the outbreak of the pandemic, which now has a dedicated space echoing the voice of the cultural and creative sectors in response to the war in Ukraine.

More EU cultural policy related news are available in the March edition of the News Digest of 2022, especially prepared for Culture Action Europe members. CAE members can read this and previous News Digests here.

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