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Brexit | Eurovision Talk Fest

What are the challenges of the UK based cultural organisations and artists related to their mobility, cross-border collaboration and touring post brexit? What is the future for the cultural exchange on the two sides of the channel?

Deveron Projects first launched the Eurovision Talk Fest in March last year, an annual day of discussion, dance, and friendship building, featuring numerous events throughout the town of Huntly in north-east Scotland, including this festival hosted by artist David Sherry. Culture Action Europe has been invited to call in from Brussels and give the European perspective on the topic. Our colleague Kornelia Kiss has more in this video.

Deveron Projects is an arts organization based in Huntly, a market town in north-eastern Scotland with a population of 4,500. Since 1995 we have been working on the history, context, and identity of the town. Working with the city is the methodology of place, we create projects that connect artists, communities, and places.



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