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Beyond the Obvious Cultural Agora

Beyond the Obvious – Cultural Agora in Rome has come to an end. We would like to thank partners, contributors and participants of this very special gathering: those who shared their brave stories and offered practical solutions, those who asked uncomfortable questions, those who walked us through our memories, those who came from far away, those who introduced us to Rome! Your presence, your active engagement, diverse expertise and fascinating stories made this BtO an inspiring experience. We hope you enjoyed the gathering and had a productive and interesting time together. Thank you to all contributors and participants for making this gathering so fruitful and thought provoking. For sure, will meet again in 2018!

Soon we will provide a report summarising BtO outcome and proposing next steps. Keep on checking the conference website.

We are happy to share some souvenirs from Rome with you, check the Beyond the Obvious Cultural Agora picture gallery and youtube channel.

Furthermore, we would be very grateful if you could share your impressions about the conference with us in order to help us designing an even better experience for you for next BtO.



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