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The project objectives are:

  • To promote the engagement of the receiving communities in interacting with the migrants, based on the mutual respect of their rights, obligations and different cultures ;
  • To ensure equal treatment and improve diversity management in the public and private work places, service provision, education systems, media and other important arenas.

To this aim, the project foresees the following activities:

      • BENCHMARKING TOOL The development of the benchmarking tool in order to manage the sector’s needs on how to promote integration at different levels.
      • PILOT RESEARCH with 10-15 cultural institutions each in at least 6-7 EU countries in order to analyse the management of cultural diversity within these institutions as well as to identify obstacles and needs for the intercultural integration.
      • LEARNING PARTNERSHIPS (LPs) in order to equip the sector and other key operators on how to promote integration. Learning Partnerships (LPs) will be developed between cultural institutions which are advanced and less advanced in their field in terms of diversity management; between cultural institutions and non-governmental organisations rooted in migrant self-organisation; between cultural institutions and employment agencies; between cultural institutions and schools. To learn more about Learning Partnerships in Belgium organised by Culture Action Europe, click here
  • The Learning Partnership’s outcomes will be disseminated through European networks, participation at thematically relevant conferences and organisation of the public conference in Barcelona.

The project is supported by European Integration Fund of European Commission DG Home Affairs. – Interarts is coordinating and managing this initiative, in collaboration with: Intercult (Sweden), EDUCULT (Austria) and ECCOM (Italy).