UNESCO publishes 2005 Global Report

January 6, 2016, 10:15 am

UNESCO recently published RE | SHAPING CULTURAL POLICIES: 2005 Convention Global Report A Decade Promoting the Diversity of Cultural Expressions for Development, a report on the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.

The 2005 convention, now ratified now ratified by 140 Parties, aims at protecting and promoting the diversity of cultural expressions. It recognises the sovereign right of governments to introduce policies to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions while highlighting the dual nature of cultural activities, good and services.

The Report, which provides analysis of current trends, advances and challenges faced by all relevant policy actors — with examples of innovative policies and measures that address contemporary issues including: transnational mobility, artistic freedom, access to international marketplaces and the digital environment, can be downloaded here.

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