UN adopts a new Resolution on Culture and Development

January 29, 2014, 10:47 am

On 12 December, the UN General Assembly adopted by consensus a third resolution on culture and development, further to the two resolutions adopted in 2010 and 2011.

Building on the recognition of the role of culture for development acknowledged in the previous resolutions, the new resolution represents an important breakthrough on the development agenda as it explicitly recognizes the direct linkages between culture and the 3 pillars of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental pillars) as well as peace and security. The text clearly states that culture is both an enabler and driver of sustainable development and further spells out culture’s potential contribution to sustainable production and consumption patterns. Culture is also recognized as an important factor enriching quality education through the transmission of shared values, knowledge and skills.

Finally, the resolution highlights the importance of giving due consideration to culture and sustainable development in the elaboration of the post 2015 development agenda, reflecting the demands expressed in a statement jointly promoted in 2013 by Agenda 21 for culture, IFACCA, IFCCD and CAE.

Download the UN resolution in pdf format here

Download Agenda 21 – IFACCA – IFCCD – CAE joint statement “Culture as a goal in the post-2015 development agenda” here

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