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Live Online Dialogue 25 April | Register Now!

Culture Action Europe invites you to participate in a Live Online Dialogue with MEP candidates on 25 April 2019 from 10.00 to 18.00 to discuss key issues related to the future of Europe!

Registration is now open at

As part of our EP elections campaign, we are organising an 8-hour long live online dialogue, welcoming citizens and key EU policy makers, including MEP candidates from across the European political parties. This live forum of ideas and opinions, aims to continue to foster awareness around vital issues for the future of culture and Europe among both citizens and politicians and to empower voters to make informed decisions in the upcoming elections.

This year we are going bigger and broader, encouraging the participation of audiences in and beyond the cultural sector to discuss topics that concern us all as citizens of Europe, to approach them from varied perspectives and to form the bigger picture of the Europe we want and need for the future.

Content and structure of the dialogue:

The main themes of the cultureɘurope Live Online Dialogue will be Education & Research, European Values & Identities, Labour & Working Conditions and a Sustainable Future. There will be a separate chatroom for each topic, with participants free to roam across the rooms and voice their opinions on the issues most important to them.

There will be a number of MEP candidates and policymakers contributing to the dialogue throughout the day, by video link in Spotlight Sessions. A dedicated chat room will announce their presence, where participants can pose their questions and have the chance to interact with these special guests directly.

The online debate will close with a We Have Solutions! session, lasting approximately 2 hours and providing the space to share existing actions, alternative approaches and experimental proposals that can lead us forward from the issues discussed during the day.

Next Generation, Please! live link:

The Live Online Dialogue will be taking place in parallel with the closing event of the project Next Generation, Please! at BOZAR in Brussels. The project brings together young people, artists and politicians to write a new chapter in the European story. It takes place through a morning of roundtable discussions, leading to the development of a Youth Manifesto. The presentation of the Youth Manifesto and the reactions of the politicians to it will be broadcast live in its own Spotlight Session during the online debate.

Find out more about Next Generation, Please! here

More information:

In the Live Online Dialogue Programme Outline, you can find detailed descriptions of the topics of each chat room, more information on the structure of the dialogue.

See below the updated programme of the day.

Live Online Dialogue Programme of the day:

10.00-16.00 Chatrooms open (Education & Research, Labour & Working Conditions, Sustainable Future, European Values & Idenitties)
10:00 – 10:30 SPOTLIGHT session w/ Ernest Urtasun (MEP candidate En Comu Podem)
11.00-11.30 SPOTLIGHT Session w/ Luca Jahier (EESC President)
11.30-12.30 4 chatrooms open
12:30-13:00 SPOTLIGHT Petra de Sutter (MEP candidate Greens)
13.00-13.30 SPOTLIGHT Session w/ Julie Ward (S&D)
13.30-14.00 SPOTLIGHT Session w/ Elisabeth Altekoster (MEP candidate ECR)
14.00-15.15 SPOTLIGHT Next Generation, Please! (plenary with Jan Cornille (S&D) and Saskia Bricmont (Greens))
15.15-16.00 Four Chatrooms open
16.00 We Have Solutions! room opens
16.00-16.30 SPOTLIGHT Session w/ Christophe Calis (MEP candidate VOLT)
17.00-17.30 SPOTLIGHT Session w/ Raquel Garcia (MEP candidate D66)
17.30-18.00 We Have Solutions! room open & wrap-up


In order to achieve the aims and scope of this live online dialogue, Culture Action Europe is in the process of partnering with key civil society organisations from the sectors of youth, education, citizen engagement and human rights. Should you be interested in partnering the online discussion, please get into contact with us:

Confirmed partners so far include European Cultural Foundation, BOZAR, ENCATC, Europa Nostra, Erasmus Student NetworkFriends of the Earth EuropeLifelong Learning Platform.

Join Us and Share!

The Live Online Dialogue is open to everyone and we hope to reach as many people as possible, from diverse backgrounds and areas of interest, with this opportunity to debate the future of Europe with EU decision-makers.

Please SHARE this information on your websites, on social media, with your followers and friends and encourage them to REGISTER NOW!