Launch of the State of Culture Barometer Survey
As part of the State of Culture research project, Culture Action Europe is launching the State of Culture Barometer survey.
Our aim with the ‘State of Culture in Europe’ project is to offer a comprehensive understanding of cultural policies across the continent. We’re diving into the evolution of EU cultural actions, exploring the priorities of policymakers, and identifying new directions for advocacy and policy.
Why now? With European and national elections on the horizon in 2024, we’re at a significant juncture. As policies evolve, it’s essential that culture remains a focal point of discussion.
We invite you to be a part of this endeavor. Take a moment to participate in the State of Culture Barometer survey and share your insights. What role do you believe culture plays in society and policy making? Are cultural and creative sectors receiving adequate attention from policymakers? How do you perceive the current state of culture in Europe?
Whether you’re directly involved in cultural and creative sectors or simply interested in shaping Europe’s cultural landscape, your perspective matters. The survey is designed to be straightforward, with mostly closed questions, so it won’t take up much of your time. Of course, your responses will be kept anonymous.
The deadline to complete the survey is set by midnight CEST on May 18, 2024. The findings will be published in the State of Culture 2024 Report this autumn.
To fill the State of Culture Barometer survey, click here.