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InterCultural focus group

The InterCultural focus group, powered by Culture Action Europe explores, develops and promotes the role of cultural diversity and intercultural exchange in our European societies and impacts decisions that provide the framework for interculturality in Europe and beyond.

This focus group operates based on and developing Culture Action Europe’s mission to “put culture at the heart of public debate and decision making”.

Niels Righolt, Managing Director of the Danish Centre for Arts and Interculture in Stockholm, has been appointed coordinator of this focus area by the CAE Executive Committee.

As co-initiator of the former Platform for Intercultural Dialogue, Culture Action Europe has worked at developing and promoting both its members’ and wider community’s expertise, and participated in a number of projects in this field, for example the MCP Broker project, which examined migrants’ participation in cultural organisations, funded by the European Integration Fund of the European Commission DG Home Affairs.

In March 2016, it launched an extensive call to members and contacts to collect examples of good practices uniting projects for newly arrived migrants, refugees and on-going intercultural expertise/activities. These examples will feed into different publications and policy papers.

For more information or to express interest in joining this group, please contact: