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Culture(s) for Sustainability: Integrating Local Cultures into Sustainable Development Strategies

In this article, Culture Action Europe member Frantz Dhers reflects on the ways to integrate the cultural sector and local cultures into sustainable development strategies and policies. This discussion paper comes at a time when the need of incorporating culture into sustainable narratives is becoming more visible than ever, driven by initiatives such as the Culture2030Goal campaign. As Europe strives for climate neutrality by 2050, the role of Creative and Cultural Sectors (CCSs), especially local cultures, becomes increasingly vital in promoting sustainable practices and fostering environmental awareness. 

Frantz Dhers’ long-standing commitment to sustainability and culture can be witnessed through his various projects and activities that focus on allowing communities, companies and individuals to discover new sustainable pathways to connect with the nature and the culture around them. He participated in our Beyond the Obvious 2024 Project Pitches where he presented his “Walkshop”, a project that helps companies to embed local cultural elements into their environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies.

In the discussion paper “Cultures(s) for Sustainability”, Frantz highlights the importance of the environmental and climate changes on culture and local communities, offering a detailed exploration of the complex interplay between these factors. He also provides some focus points for sustainable inclusion of culture and carves the way for future European policy discussions on the topic. The call serves as an important contribution to the existing conversation on culture and sustainability.

“Culture(s) for Sustainability” reflection paper and the proposals developed therein will be presented during the upcoming CAE Lunchtime presentation on 18 July, 2024.



Written by: Frantz Dhers

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not represent an official position of Culture Action Europe.
