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Commission launches the CultureEU funding guide

On 29 November, the European Commission launched a much-anticipated new tool to support the cultural sector through an online guide for EU funding. It aims to gather all available funding information in one single online platform and make it available for the cultural agents “in just three clicks”, as Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel put it.

CulturEU is the new interactive guide mapping all funding opportunities available at EU level for the cultural and creative sectors, gathering a total of 75 funding opportunities from 21 different EU programmes, i.e., not only Creative Europe and Horizon Europe (which for the first time foresees a cluster dedicated to culture, albeit with a strong focus on industries and heritage), but also structural funds and InvestEU

In the Commission’s expectations, the interactive online tool can direct any European cultural agent to the most appropriate EU financial support available to them. The purpose of the platform is to make EU funding opportunities more accessible to all types of organisations and also individuals, with the possibility of filtering opportunities based on their profiles. It will be available in all 24 EU official languages by early 2022. 

At the same time, while more accessible information for cultural operators is to be crucially welcomed, this will put even more pressure on creating funding opportunities at the EU level that are open not only to big and structured players, but more and more to small and micro organisations and to individual artists.  

New calls to support the New European Bauhaus initiatives are open too, Culture Action Europe members can find more information in our recent News Digest

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