Lunchtime Session | Future of EU Culture Funding
Since last summer, Culture Action Europe has emphasised that significant changes are coming to the Creative Europe programme in the distant yet foreseeable future. Right now, the European Commission is drafting its first proposal for the EU’s 2028–2034 long-term budget, which includes culture funding. CAE has prepared a draft position paper outlining our vision for the future of EU culture funding.
Having closely followed the Budget Commissioner’s hearing and gathered insider whispers in Brussels, we expect that the Commission’s proposal will structure the next seven-year budget around three main pillars: a Competitiveness Fund, National Plans linking reforms and investments, and External Action funding. Accordingly, we have shaped our recommendations around these pillars, proposing ways to integrate culture into each. CAE has also sent letters to the Commissioner for Budget and the Commissioner for Democracy on these points.
In early January, members were invited to read the paper here and provide their feedback, focusing on strategic opportunities for EU cultural funding rather than on specific implementation details.
During this lunchtime session, we will walk through the most recent draft of the position paper after receiving and integrating members’ feedback.