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Press Launch | #Amplify

On 07 September, 2021, Culture Action Europe publicly launched Amplify: Make the Future of Europe Yours, a project in collaboration with members of our network in Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Representatives of the cultural and creative communities from 12 European countries come together in a joint effort to bring voices less heard within mainstream discourse to the forefront of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE). Cultural organisations, artists, activists, social and educational projects working with less represented and under-privileged groups call for inclusive engagement of diverse communities in shaping the future of Europe.

The recording of the Press Launch event can be found here. The video can be watched with subtitles in any of the 12 Amplify languages.



#CulturalDemocracy #CultureAsASectorAndVector