New recommendation on culture, cultural heritage and landscape

During its annual session held in Turin, the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers adopted a Recommendation on the role of culture, cultural heritage and landscape in helping to address global challenges (Turin, 20.05.2022).

The Recommendation affirms culture’s transformative role in sustainable development and calls for the full recognition and integration of culture into relevant policies. It identifies the assets and skills of cultural stakeholders that should be mobilised to help address current challenges.

The Recommendation also calls for a new understanding of culture – and hence policies – as a strategic element and proposes various policy objectives and measures aimed at fostering a local approach (to engage with people and communities) as well as a global approach (to encourage international collaboration) in order to generate a collective ambition and international cooperation based on empathy and solidarity.



#CulturalPolicies #Sustainability


culture, cultural heritage and landscape
(culture-cultural-heritage-and-landscape.pdf - 208.95 Kb)