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CAE on Platform for Intercultural Europe (2013)

The Platform for Intercultural Europe is a civil society initiative developed in response to the 2006 European Commission’s announcement that 2008 would be the “European Year of Intercultural Dialogue”.

The Cultural Foundation together with the European Forum for the Arts and Heritage (which later became Culture Action Europe) then initiated a civil society platform with the aim of “heightening the impact and effectiveness of the European Year, sharing concepts and practice of intercultural dialogue, working towards integrated strategies for intercultural dialogue, mobilizing the sector to have a voice, contributing to policy analysis and development, and influencing cultural policy-making.”

The European Commission welcomed the creation of this civil society platform for intercultural dialogue and involved it in the preparations for and the activities of the European Year for Intercultural Dialogue 2008. At the end of 2008 the platform became a membership association in its own right. From 2009 to 2013 it is benefitting from annual operating 2 grants under the EU Culture Programme. Since 2008, the Platform has been working to ensure that the legacy of the European Year 2008 is built upon by the EU institutions in particular, but also at other government levels and by civil society organisations.


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