Considerations regarding the implementation of the European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act
On 1 August 2024, the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act entered into force. This regulation carries significant implications for the cultural and creative sectors as AI increasingly transforms artistic processes and leverages cultural data. Among other provisions, the AI Act introduces obligations for providers of general-purpose AI (GPAI) models, including transparency and copyright.
To define the technical measures and policies GPAI providers must implement to meet these obligations, the European Commission’s AI Office is facilitating the drafting of a Code of Practice. By May 2025, this document will outline best practices and measures to support providers in complying with their legal requirements. The Code is being developed through a multistakeholder process involving nearly 1000 participants from industry, academia, civil society, and rightsholder organisations. Culture Action Europe also participates in this working group. The process is led by Chairs—renowned experts—who consolidate stakeholder input to draft successive iterations of the document.
Both the next meeting and the publication of the second iteration of the Code of Practice are expected to take place in January 2025.
Culture Action Europe, together with the Michael Culture Association, has prepared considerations regarding the implementation of the AI Act, developed through our Action Group on AI & Digital. This paper forms the basis of the feedback we are providing in the Code of Practice drafting process.