“Strengthening cultural heritage resilience for climate change” report.
In December 2019 the President of EC Ursula von der Leyen presented the European Green Deal which is Europe’s response to the climate change challenges we are facing today.
The principal goal of this initiative is to make the European Union climate-neutral by 2050. Regardless of the fact that cultural heritage was not explicitly mentioned in the Green Deal, an EU Open Method of Coordination group of Member States’ (OMC) experts on strengthening cultural heritage resilience for climate change was established.
The group’s mission was to explore the contributions of cultural heritage to the European Green Deal and identify threats and lacunas related to cultural heritage in the context of climate change.
The report consolidates the work of the OMC experts on ‘Strengthening cultural heritage resilience for climate change’. It is based on the discussions and information, provided and approved by the members of the OMC expert group, in the meetings during 2021 – 2022, in addition to presentations given by the invited external experts.
The document is destined to o a wide audience of policymakers and decision-makers at the European Union, national, regional, and local levels; heritage managers; and society as a whole.