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Open letter against the EU copyright censorship filter

Responding  to concerns from the membership which reflect divergences within the CAE membership, CAE has decided to withdraw its signature.

Dear signatories of the open letter against the EU copyright censorship filter,

First and foremost, we would like to thank you again for supporting this important initiative to oppose an EU copyright censorship filter. In total 57 NGOs representing human rights and media freedom have signed the letter.

The letter will be sent to the European Commission President, the European Parliament and the Council on Monday 16 October at 10h CET.

This ahead of discussions on the censorship filter in the Council Working Party on Intellectual Property on 17 October and in light of a possible vote in the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Committee on 19 October – as the 5 October vote was postponed.

We would like to encourage you to make use of the time before the public release of the letter to prepare your own blog posts and/or press releases to bring this effort to the attention of your networks. We also call on your support do some outreach to your trusted press contacts to inform them about this blatant attack on fundamental rights. You can share the letter with the press as long as you mention that it is UNDER EMBARGO until Monday 16 October at 10h CET. We hope that your efforts will help to get the attention of your national Governments and raise the awareness in your countries about these discussion going on at EU level.