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EENC: New Literature Review on the Social and Economic Value of Cultural Heritage


The website of the European Expert Network on Culture (EENC) now features a review of 87 documents published in recent years which address the social and economic effects and impacts of cultural heritage, including its tangible and intangible components. The literature review, prepared by EENC members Cornelia Dümcke and Mikhail Gnedovsky following a request from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) includes analyses of papers, articles, evaluation reports, impact studies and other relevant documents produced mainly in Europe since 2008, as well as a final chapter with conclusions. It should enable the European Commission as well as other decision-makers and stakeholders at European, national and local level to reflect on how cultural heritage can contribute to the EU’s Europe 2020 objectives of ‘smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’. The EENC is coordinated by Culture Action Europe and Interarts. It’s available at