Professional development

Professional development

Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe Beyond Borders?: Professional development

June 1, 2017, 12:00 am | December 31, 2020, 12:00 am

B. Playwrights’ and drama related organizations’ professional development and internationalization

The activity aims at creating tools and training paths for the internationalization of playwrights’ careers and for their professional development; online tools and peer learning activities will be designed by a specific training provider organization and will be held in the participating organizations and at the Fabulamundi European Festival (FEF) during the last year of the project.

In detail, the following tasks are foreseen: 

  • Set up and assessment of Fabulamundi’s Training Methodology: At the beginning of the project Creative Skillset, the organization specialized in training responsible of the technical implementation of the activity, will work in order to define the Fabulamundi Training methodology.
  • Design, update and deliver an online workbook: Creative Skillset will work with the participating organizations in order to define a workbook that will support playwrights in the internationalization of their careers by providing them useful information on the different European Countries and with useful, first-hand tips from professionals already involved in international circulation of playwrights and plays. At the end of the project, the workbook will be sent to the network organizations, assessed in its final version, and it will thus reach about 40.000 organizations.
  • Design and manage an online training platform: Creative Skillset will design and then launch an online training platform that will be addressed both to participating playwrights and to external ones. Participants will be invited in as members where they will be able to join in online virtual discussions, share their work and experiences and download materials from the programme.
  • Design and run a Playwrights Mobility Program (MobPro): Fabulamundi will design, develop and run a structured mobility program in the participating Countries (MobPro), addressed to the 80 participating playwrights. MobPro will consist of 8 mobility activities developed in the 8 Countries represented by a dramaturgy and held during one of the long residencies foreseen. Pre-selected playwrights will: meet other EU playwrights and other relevant organizations/persons; exchange experiences in a peer-learning approach; meet a selection of relevant stakeholders of the hosting Country in order to have an effective networking and professional opportunity; reflect on the “Beyond Borders” theme with colleagues and experts.
  • Fabulamundi European Festival (FEF) – Professionals’ session: During the 4th year, FEF will be held with a specific session dedicated to playwriting professionals (playwrights and stakeholders). The Professional Session will be an unique encounter, learning and networking activity, that for the first time set together professional, playwrights and stakeholders coming from 16 European Countries. The Professional Session will be attended by playwrights presenting their work, professionals of the playwriting environment and stakeholders organizations and will foreseen co-writing experiences and networking meetings.


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