Europe of Culture Newsletter

Europe of Culture Newsletter

Europe of culture: co-creating a cultural scenario: Europe of Culture Newsletter

March 1, 2017, 12:00 am | September 30, 2017, 12:00 am

#EuropeofCulture: role of culture and the arts in the Future of Europe is the main topic of this edition of CAE newsletter. It opens by the brave editorial note from Cristina Da Milano (CAE board member/ECCOM) “Well educated but not civilised? Notes on the “White Paper on the Future of Europe””.

Cristina challenges the reader by drawing a line between concepts of “educated” and “civilised”. “A good friend of mine recently told me that the majority of those who take decisions in the EU today seem to be very well-educated but not civilised people. I have been thinking about this sentence and I am going to share some reflections about it”, she says.

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