CAE EP Elections 2019 Toolkit and guidelines are developed to provide CAE members and partners with the necessary elements to support the EU-wide campaign. Use the contents, action proposals and graphic elements of this toolkit to join forces and take coordinated action for a coherent, impactful campaign.
On this page you can find the campaign material and information about how to use different elements to advocate at European and national level.
Download the campaign appeal template here.
Campaign Posters
You can find posters in different languages in the right sidebar of this page. They are ready to print files, both with the professional printer, as well as for home-printing.
Campaign stickers
Print these and more stickers and distribute them widely. You can find more versions in the ready to print file available for download from the right sidebar of this page.
Campaign logo
Social Media banners
Support the joint action on Social Media by using the campaign social media banners (available for Facebook and Twitter. Download from the sidebar).
Campaign hashtags:
#EPElections2019 #thistimeimvoting #actforculture