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Coronavirus: On the Move and Circostrada Resources

The amount of information we receive every day on Covid-19’s impact on our society is massive. It is often hard to navigate through this ocean of data, new measures and campaigns without getting lost and disoriented.

That’s why On the Move and Circostrada‘s joint initiative is so praiseworthy. The two networks built an extensive and updated source of information regarding the condition of art, culture and cultural mobility under the current crisis.

Have a doubt on these topics? You may find the answer in this list.

The following list is the result of a joint initiative from On the Move and Circostrada. You can find the most updated contents and news on On the Move website, here

Contents of the list (scroll down for the resources):

1. General advice

2. Mobility / Travel  and health / safety related information

3. Campaigns or online petitions to raise awareness on the massive impacts of the Corona virus on the arts and cultural sector

4. Statements by organisations / networks / foundations

5. Governmental / Public bodies’ statements / New funding schemes or re-adjustments (at international, European and national levels) + private organisations

6. Initiatives (online survey in particular) to get feedback from the arts and cultural sector affected by the Corona Virus:

7. Updated information for the sector

8. Pay the Artists / cultural venues / organisations

9. Some good news and initiatives coming from Asia

10. Articles and other resources

11. Some ideas while you are being stuck at home

For information, we are still lacking references to the visual arts sector and world regions such as Africa, Latin America etc.

Organisations with a * are On the Move’s members.

Last update: 19 March 2020 (latest updates with the sign ◊ ) 

1. General advice: 

◊ The European Commission response team (health, mobility and economy):

#StayTheFuckHome – A Movement to Stop the COVID-19 Pandemic: (EN / ES / FR/ IT / PL / PT / IT / RU / FARSI)

◊ Key health messages on the Coronavirus pandemia in 22 languages:

DIY resources to make face masks, ventilators and other open designs and p2p hardware for use in Corona response:

2. Mobility / Travel  and health / safety related information: 

In Europe: information related to the music sector but that can be applicable to other sectors. The introduction by WBM Expertise is in French but the information on the situation in various European countries is in English:

Safety and health measures in European countries (list compiled by EMEE):

Mobility to the USA during the Covid-19 pandemia – Information compiled by Tamizdat*:

3. Campaigns or online petitions to raise awareness on the massive impacts of the Corona virus on the arts and cultural sector:

France: Pétition pour le soutien des intermittents:


– Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin e.V: Letter to the Senate Department of Culture:

– ◊ Emergency aid fund for Berlin’s artists:

– Hilfen für Freiberufler und Künstler während des Corona-Shutdowns:


– To support precarious workers and freelancers:

– Appello per sostegno urgente ai lavoratori dello spettacolo:

◊ The Netherlands: ZZP’ers hebben óók recht op financiële bijstand na de Coronacrisis:

Spain (Suspensión inmediata del pago de autónomos mientras dure la crisis del coronavirus):

4. Statements by organisations / networks / foundations:


European Pariiament (Culture and Education Committee Chair):


Culture Action Europe:

European Cultural Foundation, calling for a culture of solidarity:

European Theatre Convention:

◊ NEMO:  COVID-19’s impact on the European museum sector:

PEARLE, FIA* and UNI-MEI for the support of the performing arts sector:

National Performance Network (USA): statement with resources:

5. Governmental / Public bodies’ statements / New funding schemes or re-adjustments (at international, European and national levels) + private organisations:


European Commission (Creative Europe programme):

European Commission (ERASMUS+ programme):

◊ Europe: Support in the Live Music Sector:



– Flanders – Overbruggingsrecht voor zelfstandigen (Coronavirus):

–  Wallonie Bruxelles (Théâtre / Danse) :

◊ Canada: Putting People First: COVID-19 and the Canada Council for the Arts:

Czech RepublicBriefing by the Minister of Culture related to the impacts of Coronavirus for the arts and cultural sector


– ◊ Ministère de la Culture: Communiqué du 18 mars:


– ◊ Mesures exceptionnelles de soutien aux intermittents et salariés du secteur culturel dans le cadre de la crise sanitaire (19 mars) :

#Culture chez nous ;

– ◊ Institut français:

– Mobilisation du groupe Audiens:

– ◊ Aides Occitanie par Occitanie en scène:

–  ◊ Adaptation des aides d’ODIA Normandie:


– Support for the arts and cultural sector by the Minister of Culture:  DE:–1729916 / EN:

◊ Hong Kong: 1000% increase (HK$5 > HK$55 million) for Hong Kong’s Support Scheme for Arts & Cultural Sector to help deal with COVID-19 fallout:

 Ireland: Artist Emergency Relief Fund:

◊ Luxembourg: Soutien du secteur culturel face à l’épidémie du Coronavirus:


– ◊ Measures to support artists and cultural institutions (18 March 2020):

– artists in a difficult situation can apply for social support from the Ministry of Culture:

◊ Portugal: Crise do coronavírus leva Ministério da Cultura a anunciar apoios ao setor (14/3):

◊ Singapore: S$1.6 million set aside for arts and culture sector amid COVID-19 outbreak:

◊ United Kingdom: Arts Council of England:

◊ USA:

– City of Boston: Art Relief Fund:

Initiatives in New Zealand, Singapore etc. : Check IFACCA newsletter and website

6. Initiatives (online survey in particular) to get feedback from the arts and cultural sector affected by the Corona Virus:


◊  IETM (impacts of the Corona virus on the performing arts sector for members only):

◊  Circostrada: COVID-19 / Circus Arts & Street Arts / Canceled & Reported Events:

◊ European Dancehouse network: EDN survey on the impact of the Coronavirus COVID-19 on the dance sector (and related information page here)

◊ European Music Council: Survey on the impacts of the Corona virus on the music sector:

◊ Effects of COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) on the European Culture and Creative Industries, by the European Business Creative Network:



– Wallonie / Bruxelles : Recensement des annulations de spectacle liées au covid-19:

– By State of the Arts (EN / NL):

◊ Croatia:

– Open petition advocating urgent help to the precarious Croatian cultural sector (with an emphasis on performing arts):


– Formulaire pour les etètes:

– Syndicat des Cirques et Compagnies de Création – rescencement des spectacles annulés en raison du Coronavirus:

– ◊ La FRAAP: Questionnaire à destination des arts plastiques (associations et collectifs du secteur des arts visuels):

– ◊ CIPAC : Questionnaire des conséquences de l’épidémie de virus COVID 19 sur les professionnels et les structures du secteur des arts visuels:

– Formulaire par le Pôle des Arts Visuels des Pays de la Loire;


– Monitoraggio degli effetti del COVID-19 nel settore delle arti performative nello spazio urbano:

– ◊ Coronavirus e lavoro Freelance: un nuovo sondaggio:

Lithuania (results from the sector to be shared to the Ministry of Culture and official public bodies)

◊ Malta: COVID-19 impact on artists in Malta > sruvey 1: and survey 2:

◊ Malaysia: Googleform to include cancelled or postponed events:

The Netherlands (particularly for freelancers):

◊ The Philippines: Google form to evaluate the loss of artists / freelancers / gigs and events:

7. Updated information for the sector:

Austria: FAQ Corona-Virus & Veranstaltungsverbot – Updates by IG Kultur*:

Belgium: Information and taylor-made advice related to the Corona virus by Cultuurloket*:


– Information sur les arrêts maladie en période de pandémie et intermittence 

– Assurance Maladie: Déclaration de maintien à domicile – Coronavirus:

– ◊ Information par le SMA (Syndicat des Musiques Actuelles)

– ◊ Information officielle du 16 mars notamment sur les manifestations publiques

– ◊ Page ressources de Spectacle Vivant en Bretagne (inclus les liens vers les syndicats, les démarches pour centraliser les préjudices etc.)

– ◊ Page ressources (articles) pr Profession Spectacle:

– La Maison des artistes :

Ireland: Information by Theatre Forum: and ISACS (circus / performance):


– Information by the Ministry of Cultural Activities and Tourism:

– Strumenti utili per uscirne professionalmente vivi:

Luxembourg: Informations pour le secteur culturel via

◊ The Netherlands

– (for design and online culture):

–  A list by Kunsten92 for all disciplines / sectors (including heritage) on initiatitves related to the Corona virus:

◊ Philippines: Resources and Aid for Philippines-based Freelance Artists, Cultural Workers, and Creatives:

◊ Portugal: Coronavírus/ COVID-19 e o sector cultural:

United Kingdom:

– Facebook group: Covid-19 Outdoor Arts Information, Questions and Advice Forum:

– covid-19 impact on-arts-workers:

– Music Venue Trust: Advice for Venues:


◊ Artists at Risk Connection: List of information / resources (funding, legal advice, webinars etc.):

◊ Artists In a Time of Global Pandemic (ASL & Captioned), For US-Based Freelance Artists and Cultural Workers in all Disciplines, via Holwround*:

– Alliance of Artists’ Communities – COVID-19 Preparedness for Residencies:

– COVID-19 Freelance Artists’ Resources:

Webinars / Online meetings:


◊ International virtual conference: « Emergency response Mecanismes : what can inspire us for the CC sector ? » by Culture Funding Watch and the Rambourg Foundation:


Webinar: Artists In a Time of Global Pandemic, For US-Based Freelance Artists and Cultural Workers in all Disciplines (16 March):

8. Pay the Artists / cultural venues / organisations:

France: Documentations: Annulez tout ! Payez tout le monde !: (FR) / (EN)

in Hungary, spectators in solidarity with the artists, waive the reimbursement of their seats:

9. Some good news and initiatives coming from Asia:

China, South Korea and Japan start to reopen museums (13 March):

New Online Platform for Art in Hong Kong (news via ifacca)

ART Power HK launches online activation of art events via Culture360:

10. Articles and other resources:

◊ How to facilitate a remote brainstorm with 60 people? Tips from a remote conference part of the RESHAPE Creative Europe project:

◊ Hyperallergic: A daily report on how COVID-19 is impacting the art world:

Self made list of contacts, resources (by, Aware) – COVID Resources sharing:

◊ Italy: Live music in time of Coronavirus:

Theatre in Italy at the time of Coronavirus: (via IETM*)

Museums in Europe at the time of Coronavirus:

11. Some ideas while you are being stuck at home:

Events and projects: 

◊ “Empty Cities” a direct streaming in which anyone with a microphone and a recorder can participate:

Art in quarantine – Open call:–4PgdzZyopy2a1ma-IagZJbl-T0z0PnN4AfMc&fref=nf&hc_location=group

The quarantine chat (developed by two tech-savy artists):

◊ The social distancing festival:

◊ Festival des Arts Confinés:

◊ Wajdi Mouawad, directeur de La Colline, Paris: Journal de Confinement:


◊ Artists and Climate Change: Tell us your coronavirus story:

Virtual visits / projects / downloads: 

Virtual visits of museums:

Daily live streaming by the Vienna Opera (starting on 15 March 2020):

Online cultural events (Portugal and International):

◊ Croatia:  list of local art events and collections which are available online by the Croatian Ministry of Culture:

◊ Download of free coloring books from 113 museums:

MOOC and online learning:

Develop online meetings and contents: Ways of Gathering in the Age of COVID-19, A Guide to Livestreaming on HowlRound TV by Howlround*:

◊ The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources, E-Learning, and Online Collections:

MOOC on New Music by Interfaces:

Les MOOC de la Fondation Orange:

Teaching Theatre Online: A Shift in Pedagogy Amidst Coronavirus Outbreak:

◊ Cours gratuits en ligne par 190 universités:

On the Move’s library and resources:

And on funding: 

On the Move’s cultural mobility funding guides:

On the Move’s upcoming deadlines:

US mobility funding (compiled by Creative Capital):