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CAE Sets Advocacy Priorities for 2024-2029 EU Policy Cycle

Culture Action Europe (CAE) has defined its advocacy priorities  for the upcoming EU policy cycle from 2024 to 2029, addressing key areas that will influence the future of cultural policies across Europe. CAE’s priorities span across a broad range of cultural and creative sectors (CCS), focusing on cross-sectoral and overarching EU-level goals:

1. Strategic framework for culture: CAE is dedicated to contributing to a new strategic framework for the EU’s cultural policy. Among the pillars of the framework, we propose the topics of cultural democracy, the competitiveness of the EU’s CCS, sustainability, working conditions, and the role of culture in security and cross-sectoral innovation. CAE also advocates for a robust EU Strategy for International Cultural Relations that responds to new geopolitical challenges.

2. EU funding for culture: CAE is calling for a significant increase in EU funding for culture, pushing for culture’s share of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2028-2034 to reach 2%. Creative Europe must be secured as a standalone programme for CCS, and its rules should be updated to fit the cultural community’s needs better. CAE highlights the importance of recognising and supporting artistic research within the Horizon Europe programme.

3. Working conditions: following a resolution on the working conditions in the cultural sphere by the European Parliament and a positive response from the Commission, implementing the Parliament’s recommendations and improving the working conditions of artists and cultural workers remains a priority task for the next mandate. CAE remains committed and eager to engage stakeholders in policy discussions about the EU legal framework on the working conditions and status of artists and CCS professionals. Strengthening the collective bargaining power of the cultural sector is another important area to ensure a fair and balanced working environment.

4. AI and digital shift: as digital transformation continues to reshape the cultural landscape, CAE is focused on ensuring that the AI Act’s implementation protects creators’ rights. To counter big tech companies’ dominance, strengthening the agency and self-sufficiency of CCS in a digital domain is a priority for CAE. We also consider big data analysis as a fundamental tool for shaping evidence-based cultural policies.

This dynamic set of priorities will continue to be refined through ongoing consultations with CAE’s members and thematic action groups.
