CAE reacts to a new Creative Europe proposal
On 30 May 2018, the European Commission presented their proposal for the Creative Europe programme 2021-2027. Culture Action Europe (CAE) welcomes continuity of the programme as a promising development strongly promoted by CAE and its members.
Under the “Investing in people” chapter of the EU’s long-term budget proposal, new Creative Europe offers a more balanced approach across social, economic, artistic and cultural priorities. These objectives are in line with CAE’s analysis of the current programme and the recommendations arising from our members.
Culture Action Europe is happy to read that the new programme promises increased opportunities for cross-border cooperation and cross-border projects, including through simplification mechanisms and greater flexibility enabling easier access to the programme for small players – a long standing demand of the cultural sector. Welcomed novelties include a focus on mobility for artists and cultural and creative operators and a broader approach to the digital transformation that affects the cultural and creative sectors. Equally awaited is the continued support for European cultural networks, recognising in this way, their role in articulating the European cultural space.
Beyond networks, cooperation and platform projects open to all sectors, the future Creative Europe programme places a focus on specific cultural sectors (heritage, architecture, music, literature, design fashion and cultural tourism). In a time characterised by hybridisation of practices, convergence and increasing cross-sectoral cooperation, CAE strongly believes that sufficient financial resources must be made available to ensure equal support across all sectors. Differential public intervention is better understood as a means to support the development of weaker sectors, or segments of a sector, rather than reinforcing those already well established.
The proposal recognises the importance of safeguarding artistic freedom in the current EU political context. However, CAE regrets that no tangible steps have been taken to guarantee freedom of artistic expression and cultural rights next to the proposed, and equally necessary, focus on media freedom and pluralism.