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New horizons to rethink transnational cooperation

Different perspectives of those who work in the context of cultural cooperation in Europe to identify the needs of the sector, identify the risks and the tools to concretely face the future.

Starting from a fundamental sharing of the main values, which approaches and practices of cooperation do we need to save or rethink in light of the impact of the pandemic crisis?


Giuliana Ciancio | UAntwerpen researcher, co-curator of BeSpectACTive !, co-founder of;


Tere Badia | Secretary General, Culture Action Europe;

Aleksandra Berberih-Slana | Board member, NEMO;

Claudia di Giacomo | Project Leader, Fabulamundi;

Bernd Fesel | Director, European Creative Business Network;

Alessandra Gariboldi | Project Coordinator of Adeste +;

Asa Richardsdóttir | Secretary General, IETM.


