A Cultural Deal for Europe | Chapter 3: Culture and cultural heritage for the Future of Europe

Chapter 3: “Culture and cultural heritage for the Future of Europe”, introduced by Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailovic, Secretary General of Europa Nostra, featuring video message from the French Secretary of State for European Affairs Clément Beaune.

In conversation with Luca Jahier, former president of the EESC and Guilherme d’Oliviera Martins, Calouste Gulbekian Foundation.

Reaction from Apostolos Tzitzikostas, President of the Committee of the Regions

The high-level event “A Cultural Deal for Europe”, co-organised by Culture Action Europe, the European Cultural Foundation and Europa Nostra, coordinating the European Heritage Alliance. 18 November, 2020

More information about the event available here.



#CultureAsASectorAndVector #CulturalPolicies
