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On 20 January, 58 civil society organisations, including Culture Action Europe, joined Citizens Take Over Europe in signing an open letter to the Executive Board calling to ensure that the recommendations coming out of the European Citizens’ Panels at the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) are all seriously and publicly debated and responded to in writing by the Conference Plenary … Continued

“In search of equal partners: On being a SWANA artist and cultural worker in the EU” reveals particular circumstances, realities and patterns of SWANA artists and cultural workers residing in the EU and determine which are the main challenges to living a fulfilling professional life as well as cooperating with other EU peers.

This publication, developed by Culture Action Europe and its membership, offers an overview of the place of culture in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) of the Member States of the European Union. In 2020, as an immediate response to the pandemic crisis the EU institutions adopted an one-of-a-kind stimulus package, called Next Generation EU, (NGEU), … Continued

Freedom of artistic expression (FoAE) is a fundamental pillar of any democratic system and a key value of the European project. Rarely researched as an autonomous legal concept, FoAE has been often conflated with other rights or freedoms or treated as a part of a broader analysis of the general freedom of expression. This has … Continued

Dear members of the Conference Plenary, On 19th June 2021, 57 civil society organisations from across Europe sent a letter to the Executive Board of the Conference on the Future of Europe (hereafter: the Conference), expressing strong concerns about the lack of inclusion of marginalised communities in the Conference. On 16th July 2021, the Co-Chairs sent a reply, indicating … Continued